Adaptive Clinical Trials – Just Do It!

Some time ago, it became apparent that the FDA was going to participate in a conference on adaptive clinical trials.  Dr. Scott Gottlieb, MD, Deputy Commissioner for Medical and Scientific Affairs, Food and Drug Administration — gave a speech on it in July. 

Since that time, there has been an enormous amount of interest in the topic from around the world.

J0408941 Unfortunately, there has been no announcement to date of the time, place and manner of this conference.   Given the extreme amount of interest, someone needs to announce a date and time.  There are participants who are interested who are coming from Japan, England, Canada, France and elsewhere around the globe.  Their participation means that they must make travel arrangements and obtain visas which, in this day and age, is not always the easiest of tasks.   

The conference is an important one.  Adaptive clinical trials offer the promise of an entirely new approach to long-existing barriers.  There is the possibility of unlocking great potential.  Access to the conference should not rely on geographical proximity to it.  Additionally, for those unable to attend, every effort should be made by organizers to record and make available the conference through Web streaming and any other means necessary, given the enormous level of interest and the stakes in the topic.

To maximize the level of participation and ensure that there can be proper planning on behalf of those who are stakeholders, the conference details should be announced it as soon as possible.  Conferences don’t just happen.  They are planned.  Come on planners, get it together. 

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