PSAs and YouTube – Another Installment on Social Media

I have written several postings in the past on uses of social media by pharmaceuticals.  Just last week, I had a posting on Fard Johnmar’s excellent White Paper on the legal aspects of social media by pharmaceuticals

One idea that I’m a big proponent of is the use of YouTube for public service announcements (PSAs).  I believe it to be a much better use of time and money and infinitely more targeted than relying on the charity of television stations and the happenstance of catching your target audience.  In my last posting on the subject, I included a PSA that featured David Beckham advocating for the need for more nets to fight malaria.   

This week, I came across another YouTube educational video that was done by my most excellent colleagues in Fleishman-Hillard’s London office.  While it was done to educate the public on the utility of shredding to protect against identity theft, and not on a healthcare topic, it demonstrates the creative potential that can be unleashed in this forum.  I liked it so much, I’m including it here.  Check it out!

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